Look Gorgeous This Thanksgiving 2019 with these Jewelry Styling Tips

dangling from a large Agate with sterling silver chain

Thanksgiving 2019 is almost here, and you would surely want to be at your best when it comes to styling for this auspicious holiday. However, if you are hosting the dinner at your house, you wouldn’t want to deck up from top to toe with jewelry, which might make you uncomfortable. So, what exactly should be your go-to move when planning the right jewelry for your styling needs?

Now, what you are supposed to wear can vary depending upon the type of dinner you are going to be a part of. No two Thanksgiving dinners are alike. There can be family celebrations that involve autumn decorations and home-cooked dishes, or you could be a part of dinners in fancy restaurants. So, you need to deck up accordingly to fit in the environment.

To make things easy for you, here are some jewelry trends you should try out to look fabulous for the occasion.

1-Going Minimal is the Key:

If it is a sweet homely party with your loved ones, you might want to be in something very cozy and comfortable. In this case, going with the basics is the key to look amazing. A beautiful turtle neck or v-neck sweater with distress jeans can be paired with a pair of cute, heart-shaped earrings and a sterling silver chain necklace with minimalistic designs. Remember to pick a necklace with long chain and little to no layering. This ensures that your outfit doesn’t feel too laden up and uncomfortable.

So, enjoy your precious time with family as you look perfect for that yearly Thanksgiving 2019 picture tradition.

2-Hands That Look Gorgeous:

Your jewelry collection doesn’t just end with earrings and necklaces. Other accessories such as rings, toe rings, bracelets, etc., make up for a crucial part of your Thanksgiving 2019 look. If you especially love to deck your fingers with beautiful add-ons, you might go for a plain carved oxidized sterling silver ring or choose from an online collection of rings with gemstones or crystals that make your hands shine. You can either go solo with a ring in one of your fingers or deck them all up with your favourite collection. Remember, there is nothing like too much or too little when it comes to personal styling with finger rings. Obviously you would want to be comfortable, so keep the numbers within your comfort limit.

3-Be on Time:

With Thanksgiving 2019 fever on your mind, you might not even notice when the moment has already dawned upon you, and your house is packed with guests. So, what should you do now to keep track of the time and be stylish at the same time? Well, you can always go with those beautifully crafted sterling silver watches that double-time as bracelets.

This way, you can be on time and ready before your guests come knocking at the door, and yes, you would look amazingly stylish as well. So, get your vogue on with a stylish pair of artisan watch that will surely attract the attention of your guests.

4-Hoops all the way:

If you are bored of your regular old necklace, it’s time to try something new. You can go with an amazingly stylish hoop necklace that is designed in a way that fits all your outfit without looking out of the place. Always go for the necklaces that are handcrafted to ensure that you get access to unique options as opposed to the factory manufactured variations. You can also pick a two-toned hoop necklace that is a perfect mix of gold and sterling silver. Whether you are hosting the Thanksgiving 2019 party during the day or the night, this ideal piece of jewelry would look smashingly attractive with a beautiful solid color dress.

5-Brooch It Up:         

If you plan to avoid the necklaces, bracelets, or earrings, you can still look as stylish with the help of a cute little pin or brooch. Fashion it up with a dress that has minimal designing and watch how elegant you look without putting in much effort to the ensemble. Not just that, you can also get it going for your styling game by opting for a designer pin to tuck-in your loose hair strands. Remember to keep your dressing as subtle as possible to make your pins stand out.

6-Do Not Forget Leather:

Another factor or in this case, material that will help add a level of sophistication to your look is a well-crafted leather ring. Look for rings that come with black leather make with gold-plated danglers with onyx beads to finish up the look. Trust us, your picture for Thanksgiving 2019 will look so much better with these cute little finger danglers on them.


Thanksgiving is a holiday that comes just once every year. So, why not make the best of it? Being stylish is as important as enjoying the moment and the festivity. Make sure you pair it upright. Do not go overboard and wear several accessories at once. Choose from the collection that will complement each other while making the whole look seem just right for the festivity and celebrations.

In need of a reliable platform to purchase your Thanksgiving jewelry from? Trust ZVU Artisan Jewelry for all your festive holiday needs. We house an extensive collection of artisan/handcrafted jewelries that are created from materials such as sterling silver, gold-plating, gold-filled, and so much more. What’s more? Order today and get free shipping for US orders above $50 and on international orders above $200. So, shop today and look gorgeous for your Thanksgiving 2019 dinner party!